
State Trooper escorts women in labor to hospital after traffic stop for speeding on I-91

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – What started as a traffic stop for a car traveling over 100 miles per hour on I-91, ended with a police escort to the hospital to deliver a baby.

At around 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, State Police Soldier Jose Cabrera stopped a vehicle for going over 100 miles per hour on I-91 Southbound in West Springfield. As Cabrera approached the car, the driver explained that his girlfriend was in labor and her water had ruptured.

Private Cabrera called an ambulance to help him get to the hospital, but was told all nearby ambulances were responding to further calls. It was at this point that Private Cabrera made the quick decision to escort the woman to Mercy Medical Center in the back of his cruiser. The father followed in his vehicle.

The safety of the mother-to-be arrived at the hospital and soon after, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The family shared a photo together to remember the event.

محمد العلي التحرير

مجموعة من الكتاب الصحفيين والإعلاميين تحت إدارة فريق التحرير لـ موقع اليمن الغد للتغطية الإخبارية لحظة بلحظة من مختلف المحافظات اليمنية وخارج اليمن
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